Tuesday, November 07, 2006

"You deserve someone better"

Hummm not really sure how to put such things into words. I am sick of the phrase "You deserve someone better" this phrase has been used to me about three times, it comes at a lovley stage when u have been seeing someone and they want to either get rid of you or wants to be with someone else. It seems funny to me that if these guys think i am something special they use this as an excuse to get rid of me. So i guess this is just a rant to say what aload of balls this term is and if used again i may be temped to rip cetain bits of manhood of these particuar males!!
it annoys me how much i really need to start protecting myself and how hard it will be to get the balence between snow queen and being truley open with people. It really upseats me the fact i am even having to think about this issue in terms of holding myself back in future relationships but hey i guess this is just another indication of this fallen world. Why can't love just be like in the movies! I am not impressed!


Blogger Fi said...

heaven help any man who dare to utter those words to you again my dear!
useless... 100% useless, men stand up and defend yourself, but you will not be able to prove it wrong, you are useless, stop playing with emosions and use them properly!
sorry for my mini rant... felt i needed to as i annoyed for you!
as for the movies... it only lasts for 90 mins even in the movies :( lol

3:19 pm  

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