Thursday, March 29, 2007

Happiness is......

Happiness is drinking champagne in the park with beautiful a friend
And playing bad frizbee to groups of bemused people.

Happy birthday Fi hope this year brings you much joy and love!

Unhappiness is writting essays.....

This is my life thus far, the joys and sorrows that complete my existance.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A theology of fighting?
Ok so on Sunday myself, Rhi and a few of my other friends went to support Cieran in one of his strike and grapple fights. It was a strange experience and just shows how quickly we can be desensitised to the things around us, here we were enjoying watching people beat each other up, by the time it was Cierans fight we were well warmed up in the way of cheering when there was one good strike from another. During Cieran's fight we were cheering him along encouraging him to make a good blow to his opponent (quite a strange situation) and being an annoying Christian it got me thinking..... Cieran himself is a Christian and defiantly brought this fact to the surface in his fight, he had Switchfoot (the shadow proves the sunshine) and before the fight took to his knees and prayed to a slightly bemused crowd - it was defiantly a unique witness, but how this worked with Christian values still is proving questions in my mind. I am sure the openness of his faith is proving an interesting witness within that community but is it sending the right message - do you have to so much a part of that culture to effect it from within? Many questions have been raised however none have been answered... maybe some day it shall all become clear any thoughts on this would be much appreciated as so far these are just ramblings

Thursday, March 01, 2007

ok so it have been a while since i have graced the internet with my written presence, not through lack of anything happening but it is one of those time that when i try and think of all the things that have been happening my mind kind of goes a little blank.
I would however just like to say how blessed i am by the randomness of my friends and using this as an excuse to put up some pictures and words to sumirise the last few weeks.
here goes, some of you may get the refrences but these things make me smile :)

"Want anything from the shop?"

Costco and giant tea bags

Maturity starts at 23

The wonderful world of wigs


The fun of Ikea

The beautiful vocal stylings of Miss Bedford

Mid term

And the highlight - The amazingly beautiful Duke Special!

It's been a mixed few weeks, so much more has happened mostly just life turning over and much fun had by all! - maybe i'll say something profound in my next post.....maybe not