A theology of fighting?
Ok so on Sunday myself, Rhi and a few of my other friends went to support Cieran in one of his strike and grapple fights. It was a strange experience and just shows how quickly we can be desensitised to the things around us, here we were enjoying watching people beat each other up, by the time it was Cierans fight we were well warmed up in the way of cheering when there was one good strike from another. During Cieran's fight we were cheering him along encouraging him to make a good blow to his opponent (quite a strange situation) and being an annoying Christian it got me thinking..... Cieran himself is a Christian and defiantly brought this fact to the surface in his fight, he had Switchfoot (the shadow proves the sunshine) and before the fight took to his knees and prayed to a slightly bemused crowd - it was defiantly a unique witness, but how this worked with Christian values still is proving questions in my mind. I am sure the openness of his faith is proving an interesting witness within that community but is it sending the right message - do you have to so much a part of that culture to effect it from within? Many questions have been raised however none have been answered... maybe some day it shall all become clear any thoughts on this would be much appreciated as so far these are just ramblings
ta for the comment my dear on stop the trafik blog... you have no idea how many pictures i had to take before i got that one! If it wasnt such a serious issue i would blog the rest for a laugh on face book... but not too sure at the moment... maybe we should get as many people as we know to do the same and make a face book thing for it... or it might have been done... i will look in to it!
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