Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Was talking to Phill today and was discussing the old days when i was such a drama queen and i was sure right up untill the last min that i would be doing a degree in drama (media and theatre) and not youth work. Reminising over these days reminded me of a monolgue/ poetry reciting compotition i enterd when i was about 11 i was pretty chuffed as i came 3rd out of about 60 other young people but i remeberd the poem it was the highway man and although i only recited the first kinda chunk of it i loved that poem, so much drama, so much suspense the words are beautiful and yet bittersweet at the same time. Just reading it again after such a long time i rememberd just how amazing the words are the the imagry they contain. Check it out for yourselfs

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Hey people this is an advanced warning that i will be doing the annual sleep out for Cardiff action for single homeless and the huggard center for the homeless in Cardiff as the same as last year we will be sleeping out the back of marks and spencers on the 8th of December. The centre do so much for the homeless people around cardiff and hold an open door to all.
So this is a warning as i will be looking for you lovley people to sponcer me! So if you would like to sponcer me for this, what is gonna be a flipping freezing night!! please contact me.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Process of tunnels.....
Well there we go i have finaly made it into the world of tunnels! I have to say though i was warned about the addiction of wanting to go to a bigger and bigger size and thought i wouldn't fall into the trap although have to say i already am getting the itch to go bigger than the current 4 mm's i have in now. But never fear i will remain strong!! As i am assured that anything over 5 mm's and it will never heal up fully. Still we shall see eh?

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Two of my Fav males - found this old photo of my bezzie mate Chris and my cat George they are both just so georgous! and i love them both!

A post dedicated to the duke!
If you don't know who Duke Special is check him out! his music is like christmas and gives me a warm fuzzy feeling that makes me want to go out dancing in the snow! :) But seriously my new love is the Duke and you should all go listen to his beautiful beautiful music, i think i need to move to Belfast as i am assured by Steve and Jonny that's where all the best people come from!
Man i love God! just the faithfullness of god is so amazing. I love the fact that no two people can have the same understanding of him, or the same relationship. I love the very deepeness of him the fact that no matter how much you lernt and u studyied you would continualy get new revelations of him and through others! There is really no point to this post apart form to say wow God is good and all his creation! If you don't know him man ur missing out!!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Hello one and all i have decided to go about the dating system in a new way inspired by the wonderful Chris i have come to the conclusion enough of all this dating lark and all this small talk and getting to know people. Therefore i have deviced a way to get all the information i require in order to make my choice! hahaha

The Emma's Future Love Application form
Position Avalible - Boyfriend with possible Husband premotion.

Current Occupation:
Music Taste:

Eye Colous:
Brief description:

Current future plans?

If you were to take Emma on a date would you take her to:
a) A resturant b) A Funfair c) Sky diving d) A romantic drive e) An art gallery f) Visiting an adventure playground or g) other......................... (please specify)

If it were Emma's birthday what would you buy?
a) a blues c.d b) some pink shoes c) a fluffy bager d) some art work e) perfume f) ticket to the monster trucks or g) other.......................(please specify)

If you were to take Emma on holiday where would you take her?
a) Safari b) Backpacking around europe c) The ice hotel in Greenland d) Floria e) An adventure holiday f) A cruz of g) other................... (please specify)

What is you favourite thing about Emma (min 100 words)

Refrences required
Application date closes August 25th 2010
Aplicants must be Male and Emotionaly stable and Christian. Sense of humor essential, Nice parents desired but not essential to position.

i look forward to recieveing ur application
Emma xx

Monday, November 13, 2006

Dedicated to the one who has a burning passionate love for President Bush, Saddam Hussien, Osama Bin Laden, and YOU.
Dedicated To The Good Girls (Found this piece of writting on the net is is a wee bit american)

This is my tribute to the nice girls. To the girls who become friends and nothing more, who spend hours fixating on their looks and their personalities and there actions becasue it must be that they are doing something wrong. This is for the girls who don't give up on the first date, who don't want to play mind games, who provide a comforting hug and a supportive audience for a story they've heard a thousand times. This is for the girl who understands they aren't perfect and the guys their intersted in aren't either, for the girls who flirt and laugh and worry and obsess over the slightest glance, whisper, touch because somehow they are able to keep alive that hope that maybe.... maybe this time he'll have understood. This is a homage to the girls who laugh loud and often, who are comfortable in skirts and sweats and combat boots, who care more than they should for guys who don't deserve there attention. This is for the girls who have been in the trenches, who have watched other girls time and again fake up and make up and tear up the guys in their lives without even saying a word. This is for the girls who have been there from the beginning and have heard the tride words of advice, from "there are pleanty more fish in the sea" to "time heals all wounds." This is to honour those girls who know that guys are just as scared as they are, who know that they deserve better, who are seeking to find it.

This is for the girls who have never been in love but know it's something they don't want to miss out on. For the girls who have sought a night with friend and have been greeted by a night of catcalling, rude comments and explicit invitations that they'd rather not have experienced.

This is for the girls who have left sad songs as their away messages, who have tried to make someone understand through a subliminally appealing profile, who have time and time again dropped their male friend hint after hint only to watch him chase after the first blonde girl in a skirt. This is for the girls who have been told that they're to good or too smart or too pretty, who have been given complments as a way of breaking off a relaitionship, who have ever been told they are only wanted as a friend.

This one's for the girls who you can take home to mom, but won't because it's easier to slep with a whore than foster a relationship. This is for the girls who have been lead on with words and kisses and touches, all of which were either only true for the moment or never true to begin with. This is for the girls who have allowed a guy into their head and heart and bed, only to descover his is not ready, he's just not over her, he's just not looking to be tied down.

Here is just the first section of this bit of writting if you are interested in looking at the rest it can be found on this website - go to written stuff and it is the first piece of writting.
As you are?

Humm.. something that has been going through my mind recently is this whole come as you are notion I am so irritated that we often choose to worship such a creative and amazing God through bad rock/pop worship songs. Where are the integrity and beauty in the poetry of the old hymns surely we need to find more diversity here from talking to one of my young people last night he expressed his hatred for this "youth orientated" band worship he himself is more into the dance and happy hardcore scene and himself is a great producer of music as well as being a talented drummer. So why is it that we don't seem to worship God through different genres there is a massive body of people out there who are out al weekend raving and clubbing as this is the music they enjoy why can't this be turned into a place of worship to God. I myself am a massive blues fan and yet I can think of very little blues and jazz music that are open to me to worship God though within the church. How can we come as we are if we are not being offered something that excites us? This is denying who we are forcing ourselves to enjoy these types of songs because well this is sung worship isn't it? Personally I think most of it's a joke we need to get into god so much more and in so many different ways let’s step out of the box here people! I imagine that this rant is probably at times theologically incorrect and not at times wholly thought through this is because it is purely a rant so please don't get you knickers in a twist over it if you disagree with something.

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Well here i am with no agenda but waiting while dying in my purple streak i think i'm gonna buy some pink for the front bits but i currently am sitting on my sofa with alot of dye on just one bit of my hair and looking like a lemon waiting for it to be ready to wash off. Maybe i should be thinking some deep theological or philisophical thought but no such luck my brain is dead i am largly unproductive and very very bored!!
humm.... what can i do? any ideas? please leave some exciting ideas and comments on the activities i can do bearing in mind i am already watching sat morning t.v and have limited head movement!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

My Mum
So by now i guess some of you probably know but all the trouble we had with my mum and her heart has come back and in quite spectacular fashion (not that it really ever went away). My mum has suffered from a heart condition for many years now the condition she has is degenerative and as such she will never recover. However all seeming fine until a few days ago when she went for a yearly check up at St Georges hospital in London and things have gone down hill it would seem rather quickly. last year the functionality of my mum's heart was 55% this has since fallen to 30%-40% not good at all. The result of this will mean my mum will have to have another kind of pacemaker fitted and although this is worrying if it means this is more effective then it can only be a good thing. Also they have found there may be a part of her heart missing and this is most probably something genetic as such she will need to attend genetic counseling and in turn myself and my brother may need to go for tests.
I tell you this as i guess up untill now i have been able to detach myself from it. it's irritating that something that as a family we had kinda forgotten about has come bk and i feel just so helpless in this situation. Anyway i guess i just wanted to let you know what was happening so that you could pray about it or keep her in your thoughts. Expressing myself on here as i really feel is rather hard but i guess this is something i just need to work out of myself but i guess it kinda is putting other things into perspective

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Happy Memories
Right to i was sent an e-mail today about being a 90's kid and the things we remember such as the whole of the rap at the begining of the fresh prince (and i still can) and pogs as well as those slap bands we used to wear around our wrists you know the ones in bright patterns that were straight untill u smacked it accross ur wrist so it curled up remember those? and yer i thought it would be a good excuse to post a nice little picture of myself as a wee girly, seriously though check out my natural ginger streaks it worries me that i haven't changed that much!!

"You deserve someone better"

Hummm not really sure how to put such things into words. I am sick of the phrase "You deserve someone better" this phrase has been used to me about three times, it comes at a lovley stage when u have been seeing someone and they want to either get rid of you or wants to be with someone else. It seems funny to me that if these guys think i am something special they use this as an excuse to get rid of me. So i guess this is just a rant to say what aload of balls this term is and if used again i may be temped to rip cetain bits of manhood of these particuar males!!
it annoys me how much i really need to start protecting myself and how hard it will be to get the balence between snow queen and being truley open with people. It really upseats me the fact i am even having to think about this issue in terms of holding myself back in future relationships but hey i guess this is just another indication of this fallen world. Why can't love just be like in the movies! I am not impressed!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Lecture times day 2

Well you will be pleased as i am sure you care greatly that today's lecture has been much better on the whole this is supprising as last night was also a good night, usualy how good the night is before the lectures directly effects how much is lernt! however i am actualy finding today rather interesting which is nice!
so last night..... last night we celebrated the lovley Phillips 27th birthday by going to a nice Italian in bristol. Afterwards followed a repete performance of going to panash for there alternitive yet largley mainstream night called propaganda. Was on the whole slow to start but we were soon rocking out so to speak! with great glasses of red wine being drunken out of plastic cups i am indeed a classy classy lady!
anyway i'm sure there are futher pearls of wisdom and insightful comments to come from the well of knowlege and incredible witt that is myself but for now i will leave u with a lovely photo!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Rhi and me - (a special post dedicated to a very special lady!)

I thought tonight's events have needed to be documented, i am currently sitting on the sofa with the lovley rhi having had one rather amusing night! firstly there was the fashion show which occoured in my front room having just had a fun egging by a group of teenagers!! After this we decided on a fun trip to tesco's in order to buy - well nothing in particular apart from chocolate, however who would have thought that not only would we both spend an extrodinary amount of money but also rhi would prove her true blondeness. this came in the form of rhi asking why they didn't make baskets with wheels only to realise these were in fact trollies!! cue hysterical laughter in the middle of the isle and lots of strange looks!
Coming home the dying process was to follow another amusing trail of events in which not only did we manage to dye rhi's hair bright pink but also her eyebrows, face, hands and half my bathroom.
So here is a tribute to a wonderfully amusing night and a very wonderful Lady i hope we have many more amusing moments to come although i don't think there is any doubt in either of our minds that this will ever not happen!

friends friends freinds

So here is the proof that i do not sit on my own all day writting blog entry's and pondering the inner most workings of life on my own.

This image is from our wonderfull holiday to sunny sunny spain (from left to right - Jon, Phill, Liam, Rhi, Myself, fiona and Rae) not forgetting the womderful Peit who is taking the photo. This photo was taken in a bar in grande alicant with self service pumps in the middle of the table, what an amazing idea!
Spain has to have been the best holiday yet, not only was it an amazingly fun time with a group of lovley people but i also found it quite a spiritual time too with some light hearted yet deeply serious theological conversations inbetween many pina colodas and being a sexy french man!